PRF Highlights
In 2018 there were 3 key pollutant reduction facilities projects completed:
Piney Creek Stream Reclamation – Reach 6, Phase 2
Piney Creek Reach 6 - Phase 2 has severely eroded and continues to experience significant erosion during storm events. This continued erosion threatens water quality within the basin, sensitive riparian areas, and wildlife habitat as well as existing trails and utilities. The project included construction of grade control / drop structures and bank stabilization to mitigate the existing erosion and minimize future erosion on Piney Creek.
The project raised the streambed and re-established the water table to prevent further loss of vegetation and down-cutting, erosion, and sediment transport. The overall project goal was to restore and enhance the aquatic, wetland, and riparian functions of Piney Creek.
Cherry Creek Stream Reclamation at Arapahoe Road – Reach 2
Cherry Creek Stream Reclamation at Arapahoe Road – Reach 2 has degraded due to an increase in urbanization, and the rate, frequency, duration and magnitude of stormwater runoff. These effects have accelerated the degradation of the streambed and banks resulting in the loss of wetlands and upland vegetation.
Similarly to Piney Creek Reach 6, the project included construction of grade control / drop structures and bank stabilization to mitigate the existing erosion and minimize future erosion on Cherry Creek.
The project raised the streambed and re-established the water table to prevent further loss of vegetation and down-cutting, erosion, and sediment transport. The overall project goal was to restore and enhance the aquatic, wetland, and riparian functions Cherry Creek while not adversely impacting access and operation of the Valley Country Club.
Peoria Pond Interpretive Sign Replacement
The Authority was contacted by the City of Greenwood Village regarding the interpretive sign located at the Peoria Street Detention/Wetland Pond. It was noted that the sign was deteriorated and severely weathered. As part of the Authority’s commitment to provide educational information regarding PRF’s to the public, the Authority contracted ECOS Communications, the same company who manufactured the interpretive signage in 2002, to manufacture a new replacement sign for the Peoria Pond. In continuing partnerships with member agencies, the Parks and Recreation Department in Greenwood Village volunteered to remove the deteriorated sign panels and install the new sign panels.
PRFs are structural measures that include, but are not limited to, detention, wetlands, filtration, infiltration, and other technologies with the primary purpose of reducing pollutant concentrations entering the reservoir and protecting the beneficial uses of the reservoir. A PRF reduces pollutants in stormwater runoff; it does not discriminate as to the source of the stormwater. It removes pollutants from all upstream stormwater, whether regulated or not. In-channel PRFs effectively treat runoff from recent as well as past development.