Past and Current PRF Activity
PRFs are structural measures that include, but are not limited to, detention, wetlands, filtration, infiltration, and other technologies with the primary purpose of reducing pollutant concentrations entering the reservoir and protecting the beneficial uses of the reservoir. A PRF reduces pollutants in stormwater runoff; it does not discriminate as to the source of the stormwater. It removes pollutants from all upstream stormwater, whether regulated or not. In-channel PRFs effectively treat runoff from recent as well as past development.
Stormwater Controls
Stormwater controls consist of PRFs constructed by the Authority and similar type projects constructed by local governments. Authority PRFs include water quality controls such as stream reclamation, shoreline stabilization, detention, wetlands, and other activities that provide water quality benefits for the reservoir by reducing pollutants carried by stormwater from existing and future land disturbances.
Funding of PRFs
The costs and benefits of all potential PRFs are evaluated at the conceptual level. If these appear to be reasonable, the PRF is added to the master list maintained by the Authority. Each year the Authority compiles its 10-year CIP, a list of projects to fund in the coming years. Annually, the Board selects projects from the 10-year CIP for implementation, based on recommendations from the TAC and subject to available funds.
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