Stream Flows
In WY 2021, flows measured at the USGS gage near Franktown (located near the center of the watershed) approximately 45% of the historical averages and flows at the USGS gage near Parker (located in the lower 1/3 of the watershed) were equal to the historical average. Urbanization patterns are a factor in Cherry Creek Reservoir’s water quality and flows.
The yearly summary for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauge, Cherry Creek Near Franktown, CO, in the southern area of the watershed listed a total annual flow of 1,469 cfs (cubic feet per second) or 2,913 Acre Feet (AF) with an annual daily mean of 4 cfs (8 AF) for WY 2020, which is approximately 53% of the annual mean discharge calculated from WY 1940-2021.
The yearly summary for the USGS gauge, Cherry Creek Near Parker, CO, listed a provisional total annual flow of 4,125 cfs (8,189 AF) and an annual daily mean of 11.3 cfs (22.4 AF), which is approximately 100% of the annual mean discharge calculated from WY 1992-2021.
It is noteworthy that the headwater flows of Cherry Creek in Castlewood Canyon were 55% lower than average, but flows were equal to the historical average by the time the stream reached the USGS gauge, Cherry Creek, Near Parker, CO. However, the period of record for the Franktown site is much longer than the Parker site which may be responsible for the difference.
Useful Links

Visualize streamflow over time at three different sites along Cherry Creek.
The sites are ordered from most upstream to most downstream.