2021 Report
- Water Year 2021 saw above-average precipitation in the late winter and spring but was much drier than average during the warmest part of the summer.
- The Cherry Ck MET Station (MHFD 10091) went online in June 2021. This local weather station will better capture localized precipitation impacts
- July and August were the driest with precipitation measuring 87% and 40% respectively based on the monthly averages of the same 12-year period.
- Precipitation patterns are a factor in CCR’s water quality since they impact inflows, water temperature, exchange rates and overall reservoir dynamics.
Precipitation measured at the KAPA site was above average during the 2021 Water Year. The historical data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the Centennial Airport Station (KAPA), received 16.25 inches of precipitation, 113% of the historical average from 2006-2021.
Precipitation measured starting in June at the Cherry Ck MET site showed differences in both precipitation monthly totals and timing compared to the KAPA site; monthly totals were lower at the Cherry Ck site during the first few months of operation.
Similarly, the watershed saw some variability receiving 68-183% average precipitation, based on the 30 year (1981-2010) PRISM average precipitation data generated by NOAA/National Weather Service.
Percent of Normal Precipitation
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Precipitation at Centennial Airport (KAPA) and Cherry Ck Met Station in WY2021 in Comparison to 2006-2021 Year KAPA Average
2006-2021 Average
Cherry Ck