Stream Flows
In WY 2023, flows measured at the USGS gage near Franktown (located near the center of the watershed) were 163% of the 31-year (1992-2023) historical average and flows at the USGS gage near Parker (located in the lower third of the watershed) were 191% of the 30-year average.
USGS Gage: Cherry Creek near Franktown WY 2023 Statistics:
Drainage Area: 169 square miles
Total Annual Flow: 8,960 AF
Annual Daily Mean Flow Rate: 12.4 cfs (24.5 AF/day)
Percent of 31-year (1992-2023) Average Discharge: 163%
USGS Gage: Cherry Creek near Parker WY 2023 Statistics:
Drainage Area: 287 square miles
Total Annual Flow: 15,9471 AF
Annual Daily Mean Flow Rate: 22 cfs (44 AF/day)
Percent of 31-year (1992-2023) Average Discharge: 191%
Useful Links

Visualize streamflow over time at three different sites along Cherry Creek.
The sites are ordered from most upstream to most downstream.