Our Regulation 72 Responsibilities
The Colorado Water Quality Control Commission (Commission) establishes water quality standards and designated beneficial uses for Cherry Creek Reservoir in Regulation 38, which includes a chlorophyll-a standard of 18 ug/L and other standards. The Commission also established the Cherry Creek Reservoir Control Regulation in “Regulation 72”. A control regulation can contain limitations on pollutants that are discharged, management requirements, and/or precautionary measures to prevent or minimize pollutants entering the water. The Cherry Creek Reservoir Control Regulation 72 prescribes activities necessary to reduce the inflow of total phosphorus concentrations to Cherry Creek Reservoir to attain the chlorophyll-α standard.
Regulation 72 requires:
- check_box Construction of nonpoint source projects, called Pollutant Reduction Facilities (PRFs)
- check_box Inclusion of stringent phosphorus effluent limits in point source discharge permits
- check_box Stormwater control measures (CMs, also known as best management practices) in stormwater permits and projects that add 500 square feet or more of impervious area
- check_box Collaboration in pursuing incentives, grants, and cooperative programs for agricultural sources
- check_box Implementation of a public information and education program
- check_box Limitations on the construction of new Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)
- check_box Consideration of floodplain, riparian corridor, and wetlands projects
- check_box Nutrient monitoring
- check_box Submission of an Annual Report to the Commission on these activities