Surface Water Inflow Concentrations
In WY 2023, total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in Cherry Creek were below the baseline median during base flow conditions but close to the 85th percentile of the baseline during storm events. Median TP concentrations in Cottonwood Creek were approximately 60% lower than concentrations in Cherry Creek.
In WY 2023, median total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in both Cherry Creek and Cottonwood Creek were higher than the baseline median for the period of record during all flow conditions. Although median TN concentrations were similar during storm conditions in WY 2023, TN concentrations were approximately 50% lower in Cherry Creek than Cottonwood Creek in baseflow samples analyzed.
Cherry Creek flows from south to north to the Reservoir through a 245,000-acre drainage basin. The basin includes various types of land use, including both undeveloped and urbanized areas, with the urbanized areas located closer to the Reservoir. Cottonwood Creek is the other major surface water input to Cherry Creek Reservoir. Overall, land in the smaller Cottonwood Creek watershed is more fully developed than the Cherry Creek watershed, which extends above the El Paso County line. Both creeks receive permitted discharges from wastewater treatment facilities.
For more annual comparisons visit the WQ Update WQ Inflow Comparison Page.
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Phosphorus Concentrations, CC-10 and CT-2
info_outlineEach point on this graph represents a sampling event. The different point colors represent different locations, while the filled and hollow icons indicate whether the parameter is total or dissolved. To learn more about a specific data point, hover over it with your mouse.
Nitrogen Concentrations, CC-10 and CT-2
info_outlineEach point on this graph represents a sampling event. The different point colors represent different locations, while the filled and hollow icons indicate whether the parameter is total or dissolved. To learn more about a specific data point, hover over it with your mouse.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Concentrations, CC-10 and CT-2
info_outlineEach point on this graph represents a sampling event. The different point colors represent different locations, while the filled and hollow icons indicate whether the parameter is total or dissolved. To learn more about a specific data point, hover over it with your mouse.
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