Our Section 208 Responsibilities
Key Takeaways:
CCBWQA is a Governor-designated Management Agency under Clean Water Act Section 208. As such, it has an important role in the management of water quality in the basin. The Authority's role currently includes review of site location approvals for wastewater treatment plants and lift stations, and providing recommendations to the State regarding approval, denial, or conditional approval of such applications.
Three levels of management agencies are recognized in the federal Clean Water Act. The Statewide Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) defines their different roles.
Planning agencies develop regional or statewide water quality management plans (commonly called “Section 208 Plans”) that evaluate regional/statewide existing water quality conditions, identify pollutant sources, evaluate the cumulative impacts of multiple point and nonpoint sources in a regional area, and develop appropriate water quality controls, including recommendations for wastewater treatment plant effluent limits. The Colorado Water Quality Control Division (Division) is the designated 208 planning agency for the Cherry Creek Basin. CCBWQA works cooperatively with the Division to support planning activities by monitoring and evaluating water quality, conducting modeling to better understand pollutant loading and pollutant reduction opportunities, and other activities.
Operating agencies carry out day-to-day wastewater treatment plant functions, and ensure water quality requirements are met. These are typically wastewater treatment plants.
Management agencies carry out the Section 208 Plans. In Colorado, general-purpose local governments and special districts are designated as management agencies; CCBWQA is considered a 208 management agency.