[2022 AR] CCR Stream Flows

2022 Report

Surface Water Inflow


The Cherry Creek sub-basin is the largest in the watershed (234,000 acres) and contributes the majority (66% in WY 2022) of streamflow into the Reservoir.

In WY 2022, Cherry Creek's discharge was relatively very low: 45% of the 5-year average.

Cottonwood Creek, the next largest source of inflows into the Reservoir has a sub-basin of 9,050 acres, approximately 4% of the total watershed, and contributed 34% of the streamflow into the Reservoir in WY 2022.

Proportion of Surface Water Inflow into Cherry Creek Reservoir


CCBWQA Cherry Creek (CC-10 and Lakeview Drive) Streamflow Monitoring WY 2022 Statistics:

Drainage Area: 366 square miles

Total Annual Flow: 7,199 AF

CC-10 Annual Flow: 4,892 AF

Lakeview Annual Flow: 2,307 AF

CC-10 Annual Daily Mean Flow Rate: 6.8 cfs (13.4 AF/day)

Percent of 5-year (2017-2022) Average Discharge: 45%


CCBWQA Cottonwood Creek (CT-2) Streamflow Monitoring WY 2022 Statistics:

Drainage Area: 14 square miles

Total Annual Flow: 3,757 AF

Annual Daily Mean Flow Rate: 5.2 cfs (10.3 AF/day)

Percent of 5-year (2017-2022) Average Discharge: 96%


More CCBWQA streamflow gage station details, including additional sites, can be found on the CCBWQA Stream Logger Data Viewer.

Useful Links

CCR Inflow Concentrations

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Stream Logger Data Viewer

Daily Average Flow Values Over Time

Data is PROVISIONAL from Oct 1 through present. The data listed on this site has not been finalized for the current water year. Incorrect equipment readings are removed and stage-discharge relationships are updated annually so level values and flow calculations may change.

Summary Data

Location Average Maximum Minimum
Click on a date along the line in the daily averages graph to view summary data for a specific day.